Dr. Mohamed Shoura Named One of the Top 50 Healthcare Technology CEOs of 2020

PaxeraHealth is excited to announce that Dr. Mohamed Shoura has been recognized as one of the Top 50 Healthcare Technology CEOs of 2020 by The Healthcare Technology Report! An extensive process was run to evaluate the hundreds of CEOs who were nominated this year. After being assessed across several key areas including breadth of leadership experience in the healthcare technology industry, level of expertise and domain knowledge in their particular field, depth of their executive team’s experience, and consistency of organizational performance, the top 50 CEOs leading exemplary organizations were chosen.
In 2009, Dr. Mohamed Shoura founded PaxeraHealth to solve the most significant healthcare challenges faced by the sector. Dr. Shoura has led the company to be instrumental in making real changes in the medical imaging arena with our cutting-edge solutions and ability to adapt to all situations. Given the current climate of the healthcare industry in fighting COVID-19, Dr. Shoura has ensured that PaxeraHealth’s resources are being used to their best capabilities in order to help as many organizations as possible through our solution, CoronaCare. Dr. Shoura’s achievements also extend outside of the company through various speaking engagements at the American College of Radiology, SIIM, and RSNA.
We are extremely honored to have Dr. Shoura’s positive impact on the healthcare technology industry acknowledged by The Healthcare Technology Report, and we look forward to our continual progression in the medical IT field.
Visit https://thehealthcaretechnologyreport.com/the-top-50-healthcare-technology-ceos-of-2020/ to see the full list of 2020’s Top 50 Healthcare Technology CEOs.